Will be breeding in January, 2025!!!! If interested in being considered for my waiting list, please fill out the online questionnaire and submit it.
April 20, 2024 – Deacon x Skye blessed me with a litter of 4 boys and 2 girls. The Thunder Litter added Poppy to my clan.
Had a wonderful spring/summer 2023, with to small litters.
Skye x Deacon and Jules x Bourbon
Skye x Deacon and Jules x Bourbon
Ruby & Toby
“Blessings Litter”
Faith, Hope and Love
October 16, 2014

Ruby with her two week old girls. All are spoken for.
Allie Berryman comes for a visit. 11 weeks old. She wore Emmy out!!!!
Jessie & Jack Boy
March 20, 2014

Rose, Lilly and Buddy – 10 days old. Rose and Mama Jessie

Sunshine…keep us warm!!!
Ruby and Toby
March 11, 2014
Mom…there are getting big,,they hardly fit any more!

Three weeks old and snuggling….
February 18, 2013 Toby x Lucy pups….

Lucy delivered eight new precious ones on February 19, 2012…. here’s more pictures of Lucy and her crew….scroll down for newer pictures….

Seven days old and already loving their toys.

Peaking out from behind mama…. Lucy and 12 day olds. One is hiding….

Two weeks old and growing fast…not missing any meals and still loving to be close to each other……

Totally precious………………………….

Mom makes for a really great pillow! Little Blue decided to climb up on her. Total peace!

Little Ash totally comfortable Nic in my lap….

Wish I could sleep like this…………………………… First meal…they like it…a lot!!!!

Look we can walk…and we have mouths, what fun! Mama Lucy with 4 week old. They hardly fit any more.

5 weeks and getting so big…..I love my brother!

Aren’t we just cute? Yes, we already know it!!!!

Last day in our first home the whelping box………………………now on to new digs!

We love our new home and exercise pen….we like to pile up in front of the fan….

Ruby meets new babies for the first time This pillow is really comfortable….

Ruby and baby… this is fun… loving a new toy..

Fun, fun, fun running and playing in the grass..

Golden love ……at six weeks

Never enough arms to hold them all at the same time. Meeting Daddy, sister Jessie and Ruby at 7 weeks

Following Daddy Toby and sister Jessie for a walk Toby and Ruby looking on..
Lucy x Toby puppies -May 16, 2011….
Lucy delivered eight beautiful blonde babies on Monday. Six boys and two girls. Mama and babies and doing great and Daddy Toby is handing out bisquits….
Just hours old, Lucy and her babies.
Wow they grow fast….

LB with his little green man…totally comfortable with a full belly…

One week old….May 23, 2011, “LB” Little Bits in the middle.

12 days old…”move over you hogs, let the little guy in…”

“I found a spot Mom, they won’t move me now!”

LB, his sisters and biggest brother at 13 days old.

LB and Mama Lucy…”I love you Mom!”

Two weeks old….May 30, 2011…we like our ducks!
Sunday, June 5, 2011…a very tough day…
The stresses of being a breeder got worse yesterday. My heart is now breaking too. People just cannot understand what you put into being a good breeder and the toll it can take on you. Today mine was taken to a higher level as I have never lost one of my babies at almost 3 weeks of age.
Yesterday morning Spice (Yellow) was having a little trouble breathing. She had nursed in the early hours and seemed ok, but it turned quickly. After talking to the vet at 8 AM, I continued to do for her as I was instructed, but by 2 PM she was not better and I was worried….
I got Spice to the vet and had antibiotics and sub-q fluid and came home with hope, although the vet said she was gravely ill with aspirated pneumonia. She was resting and all was well until 6:45…I had been watching her non-stop and noticed she moved her head in an unusual position. I stepped over to right her head and she was gone. I picked her up immediately and she was listless and blood had dropped from her nose. Nothing brought her back… I am just devastated….as she was not the one that had needed extra care. So far LB is eating and thriving, but I know they are never out of the woods….breeding is not for the faint of heart.
Not only do I grieve, but the family that will not get their little girl will grieve too.

LB with his raccoon…I’m almost as big as he is…

I got him mom…I’ll hold him down and just sleep on him.

I love all my toys….LB sleeping ..3 weeks old.

LB sleeping in his bowl on the scale..
“Mom weighs me every day, and I’m about to outgrow this silly bowl!”

Playing…with full bellies.. 24 days old. June 9, 2011.

No safer place than with Mama Lucy…..

Nic and LB, “I’m not kissing him, I’m licking the food off his face!”

First meal, oh what a mess, and LB giving Mama a kiss…

It’s always meal time….

We all want to be in front of the fan….1st night in crate.

Follow me guys, I’ll show you how to escape….

I got the new toy..it’s bigger than me…….sleepy time comes quickly….

Yes I know how cute I am……..Mom got us all new rope toys…

No you can’t have mine too…Blue is for boys, pink is for Sugar…

Six weeks old and quiet as a mouse………June 27, 2011

I think they call this heaven…..or an arm full of boys!

Do you know how hard it is to keep seven seven week olds still????

LB was little bits…he’s not any more…he’s a hand full!

The last meal with all seven together…they loved to eat.

Bentley (AKA LB) comes back to visit

Bella (Lucy x Baloo) and baby brother Louie (Lucy x Toby)
“Best Buddies” July, 2011
This is Teddy (aka Smokie)

Luke, Leah and Linus are all now in their forever homes.
Lucy x Toby “TLC litter”
Whelped April 22, 2010
——Luke, Leah and Linus——
(called Reis, Roxie and Stanley now)

Linus, Leah and Luke at 7 weeks old.

Leah was my escape artist….Luke and Linue just waited for me to pick them up. Oh yes, they were already spoiled even at only seven weeks.

It’s tiring being so cute….
Enjoy these pictures….Mama Lucy and her pups.

I wish I could rest like that…and a box full of puppies

Little Ms Princess Leah…she loves her raccoon……

Their first real meal…they loved it!
Puppies- 2009
Lucy and Allie’s puppies are now three weeks old and time for their first real meal….oh boy, what a mess puppies can make.
“More food for us!” Lucy and Allie

Lucy’s 26 days old puppies…Sunny (yellow) “I’m coming through!”

Allie’s 23 days old puppies…”let’s all get in the bowl!”

All 19 got together to play…wow, this is fun!

Now this is comfortable…Allie’s little boy.

Totally out……

The cousins come for a visit…at 4 weeks old.

We love our new crates…..

3 generations- Grandma Jody and Lucy and Jody and Allie and their babies at 5 weeks.

As close as you get to Golden Heaven with 19 babies…at 6 weeks old.

There’s so many to love..AND THE KISSES!!!